
Barry called for his free ten minutes of phone sex but he was actually craving humiliation instead! I’ve written about this faggot before….a few times, actually! The most recent blog was this past February, where he thought he could pull a fast one. Oh, Barry. I know your loser bitch voice the moment you speak. And you can’t fool Mistress….not ever! Let’s just call it what it is….you’re lonely because your dick is a clit. Even if you were a hung stud, your mousy voice alone repels women!

Barry The Bitch Has A Faggot Itch!

The thing about Barry is that everything about him is small. A small voice like a little mouse, small feet, too! Size 7.5, right, Barry? You don’t even have manly feet! No, my New York pindick is addicted to the truth no matter how painful it is and he just adores the Las Vegas redhead that doesn’t hold back. Barry is another one of those sad sacks of trash that craves damage! And lucky for you….I specialize in stoking that fire so it burns forever!

You better thank your lucky stars I can’t get my hands on you, Barry! That faggot itch deep in your sissy pussy would never itch again. You’d get addicted to all that cock and before I even let you suck it, I’d have you compare your 2 inches to their multiple and the lesser man would always kneel. That’s you, Barry! Never believe that you’ll ever stand like a man….cocksucker pindicks with little mousy voices get to serve!

Update 11/19/2019: Barry called me for cock, begging to suck my boyfriend’s dick. He wanted to be buttfucked so badly that he offered to bend over the sofa. When I laughed at him, his little mousy squeal sent me into buckets and buckets of laughter!