It’s funny….whenever ‘rough sex’ comes up on my  calls, it’s never about horny guys and pretty girls. Oh no. Not with you sluts! When that topic comes up, it’s always about how humiliated you feel when a more dominant man is in charge of you. It’s not like any of the Alphas you’re playing with are going to take it easy on you! Half the fun of fucking your ass isn’t just that tight, hot hole they get to stuff. It’s stripping you of your manhood by pushing your ass full of their dominance. It really fucks with your head and they know it! And so do I, so of course I push for even more of it!

Humiliated With Endless Thirst For More

Take Bitch Frank for instance. When Mr. B. samples that faggot ass, he likes to be rough, sometimes pinning Frank and constricting him. Sometimes Frank will find marks on him after sex. He’ll be sore. And a real man wouldn’t sit back and take that, but if you’ve been paying attention, you know that Bitch Frank didn’t earn his name by being a real man! One of my favorite cam cuties Cutiepie Albert wasn’t exactly ‘making love’ with that transgender girlfriend when she got horny. Please. She took his slender, lingerie-clad body of his and made it her bitch, and you know he loved every minute of it. I’ve heard him whimper!

But the rough stuff is only part of it, like I said. How degraded does it make a buttslut feel when the most personal orifice that they have (and the one place they were always taught to keep private!) is invaded and violated? Every thrust causes them to moan, their little pucker gaping more and more as they stretch to fit the pumps and pounds of a warm throb! Bitch Frank, I’m talking about you!

There’s going to be pain, but have you ever heard that term ‘hurts so good’? Well, when I zero in on someone I want to ruin, I get right to work with that mindfuck that makes them hunger for damage. They don’t start out that way, but they find themselves making choices they never thought they would. I’m not magic, I just know how to make men crave my pleasure. Bitch Frank, Buttslut Ronnie and so many more that find themselves addicted to what I want them to have! And ask any of them….they love it!