Bored as hell at home and need a Netflix break? Here are some cool ideas to incorporate while you’re laying low and housebound. So many people are gaining weight and feeling sluggish, it’s time to address those at-home habits and do something else!

Pick Something. Anything…

At-home fitness — Check out apps you can download or anything OnDemand. I actually pay $40 for a 3-month subscription that gives me access to tons of workouts on my tv. Dance workouts, yoga…get off the couch and mix it up!

Virtual tours — Did you know that you can tour virtual museums or even theme parks from your home? Pretty damn cool, and perfect for housebounders.

Reach out — Set up Zoom groups or Facebook rooms with your friends and let the day drinking begin! Connecting with others lifts your mood and helps you catch up with the gossip!

Have a goal — Tackle home projects, clean out the junk drawer in the kitchen, paint the second bedroom, frame all the those pictures laying around. Whatever it is, decide to be productive at something even it’s small. Even if it’s just making your bed.

Don’t be gross — Staying home or working from home offers alot of leeway with personal hygiene, but for fucks sake, people. Don’t sit around in your yuck. Part of keeping our mental health intact is taking pride in ourselves and I’m not saying you can’t wear pj’s every damn day. Go ahead, just make sure they’re fresh pairs of pj’s on a clean you.

Stay sane — Listen to podcasts. Read books. Masturbate. Know what day it is. I know lots of things suck right now, but have a general idea of what’s going on in the world. Make plans for yourself for when this nutso pandemic garbage is over. Visualize yourself past this part, because we will all eventually be.

But Until We Are…

It’s up to us to keep ouselves well and happy and connected. And if you just can’t and you need help, you’re not alone. I get it. This is difficult. So pick up the phone. People care. There are resources for this.

You are worth preserving at all costs. ❤