
Scott Speaks Softly is a regular blog series by my cuckold sub, Scott. It is something that I asked him to write as a way to let others get to know him better. He delivers his post to me and I add nothing but spelling correction (if needed), and links. Please look for Scott Speaks Softly, and remember that it is possible to set up a call with both of us, per appointment. Please email for details.

One of my favorite times of year is Halloween and I love the fun of dressing up. I am hard at work earning points and I hope that I can get unlocked in time for the big party!

Costume time!

I usually dress up in something funny for Halloween. This year Miss Amber wanted me to go dressed as a nurse, but I secretly wanted to go dressed as someone from a comic, especially after going to ComicCon recently. I saw so many great costumes there and it really got me thinking! I was so lucky that Miss Tarah came up with a perfect idea as a compromise. She said that I could go as Harley Quinn dressed in her nurse outfit. If you are familiar with The Joker from the Batman TV show, you will remember that Harley Quinn was his nurse that eventually succumbed to his influence. I got so excited at the thought that I could be dressed super sexy and cute and show off at a big party that Miss Amber is taking me to.

I found a costume online that was perfect and not even very expensive, but it didn’t come with stockings or boots. Miss Tarah drove me to a couple of different stores while Miss Amber took a spa day, and I got a pretty wig that is blonde and looks perfect with pigtails, just like the model online. Finding boots was a challenge, but the stockings were easy. I had already reached the budget that Miss Amber gave me, but Miss Tarah was so sweet to buy me some makeup to make my face look as white as snow, and a new red lipstick.

Earning points to get unlocked….

I can’t wait until my outfit arrives so I can try it on and strut around the house, dancing like the cutest Harley Quinn ever. This is going to be the best Halloween costume I’ve had, and Miss Amber might even let me wear it during dress up times after the party. Maybe even when her boyfriend is here and I am feeling naughty!

I am working hard to do sweet things for Miss Amber to earn points to get unlocked. It has been a long time since I have seen my penis and I really want to feel myself in pretty panties, under that super cute skirt. I have four points now and have almost a month to get six more. Miss Amber said I will have freedom after that! I have asked Miss Amber to post a picture of my costume for you to see. I will have more to tell next week!