I haven’t written about Mr. San Fran in a while but we still talk, and it’s always a highlight to my day or night. Maybe it’s because he’s such a sweetheart or because he’d do anything if he could serve me in real life. Read all about him and his beautiful binding arrangement with his Mistress IRL by clicking this link:
Mr. San Fran In Hot Tub Heaven
Free, But Not For Long
He actually got free of that contract for awhile, would you believe it? He dated a girl, did some male modeling and had a little freedom. He’s got a fraction of a micro penis, so it’s not like he was humpin’ it up!
And Mr. San Fran might have actually kept his freedom but oh, of course he didn’t! He actually found himself back at the house under the lock of his demanding Mistress, back to being the house bitch for a while. Free rent in a beautiful home but no access to your little peen? Once again, he thought it was a good trade! Contract and everything!
But as luck would have it, Mistress has a girlfriend and the lady is moving in. The whole situation has caused the Mistress to not exactly want her new lady to know just how dominant she’s been, because she’s unlocked Mr. San Fran and set that tiny penis free. She’s retaining his services as ‘house bitch’, although she’s repackaged his role as a ‘live-in friend that does the housekeeping’. Sure, but we know the truth!
A Little Romance?
And because I’m a true romantic at heart, this next part melted my heart a little! While Mr. San Fran was unlocked, he made an appointment for a little manly maintenance ‘down there’, and caught the eye of a cute waxing chick that asked him out on a date! Cute, right? And she must really like him for all the reasons I do, because she’s seen everything between his legs and there won’t be any surprises. I’m sure you’re going to be able to showcase your lady-licking skills very soon, Mr. San Fran!
Let me know how that date goes!