Summer makeup is happening, people! The hot weather doesn’t give us alot of choice. But how to make summer switches to your routine? Read my tips below!

Lighten Up!

In summer, less is more. And that means the fewer products, the better. Don’t bother with contouring or highlighting or all the same products you wear in colder weather. Summer makeup is lighter, easier and pared down.

Kick Heavy Foundation To The Curb — Get yourself a BB cream and it will be your moisturizer, primer, SPF and foundation in one.

Powder Your Nose — And anything else you need to! I’m a big fan of loose powder in the summer. Pressed powder always seems so oily, and no one has time for that!

Waterproof Means ‘Sweat-Proof’ — The last thing you want is a hot, sweaty face that that turns your products into a melt-y, runny mess. Waterproof mascara is awesome for swimming and summer in general. Just a reminder, make sure that you’ve bought a good makeup remover because soap and water won’t work.

Double Duty Lips and Cheeks — Look for products that can be used two different ways in order to reduce the number of items you use.

Eyeshadow No-No — Choose creamy shadows that you can blend with your finger instead of dry powders that will settle into eye creases during hot weather and sweating.

Set It! — Consider a make-up setting spray after your initial application. I’ve never used one but some people swear by them!

One Of My Favorite Beauty Hacks

I’ve written about this many times but for those who haven’t seen this tip before, it’s a goodie. If my face is ever getting shiny in warmer weather (or any weather!), a quick trip to any public bathroom should provide a toilet paper liner that can be used to blot extra oil. That super light tissue liner is a lifesaver, lemme tell ya. Once the oil is absorbed and my face is more dry, then I powder again. Powdering when your face is wet and sweaty is just a mucky mess that gets alot of oil on your brush or puff. Ick.

Hope you enjoyed my tips and tricks! Take care of yourself and I’ll meet you right back here next week!