Halloween was last week, and that’s a time when lots of experimenting sissies dip their toe in girl world and dress up en femme because being feminine is an acceptable ‘costume’. However, the time has come to be who you are. And just because Halloween is over doesn’t mean you need wait a year for another chance to be feminine. How sad would it be if you missed a whole year of fun and self-discovery if you waited?

Feminine Choices…..

As we approach a new year, I urge all of you to consider how much you really want to live a feminine life. Would you like to explore being a secret sissy? Is that at your comfort level? If that’s exactly what you want, why not have it? Secret sissies are subtle. Having a secret is fun and arousing. It’s perfect for those who work in offices or anywhere else you have to dress like a boy on the outside. But never think for one moment that those exterior clothes mean a damn thing about the real you!

If you want nothing else than to explore your feminine side, if there’s a frilly sissy that has been buried in you but that you have always put off,  I urge you to consider this. None of us are getting any younger, there is rarely a ‘right time’ to do anything and that means what are you waiting for? No more ticking clocks, repressed emotions, hidden fantasies or guilt because of what others have said to you or made you feel. It’s your life and your new year.

Now Or Never

Halloween is fun. But it’s an awfully long time to wait to try something again. Don’t let life pass you by. If you dream of being feminine and you’re tired of hiding it, it’s now or never. No more waiting. Be who you are.

I can help you right now.