Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and some of you are going to pig out until you need your stomach pumped. Don’t! There are more holiday parties and dinners coming, not to mention that we are about to see candy, nuts, and treats everywhere. Grocery stores know that sugar addicts come out and binge at the holidays so it will be candy canes, peanut butter chocolate trees, and marshmallow everything in the checkout lines almost instantly after tomorrow. Let’s not forget the onslaught of work parties, potlucks, and opportunities to graze all day. Let’s just call it what it is: face stuffing. Do not allow yourself to be shoved to the gills with sugary fat that makes you sick later or consistently sabotage your good sense.
Carol in Accounting will not die if you do not try her unidentifed, homemade garbage. Smile and say you ate it. Tell her it was delicious.

No Busting At The Seams!

Here are some tips to keep you from going nucking futs with food this holiday season:

1) Keep track of what you’re doing. Do not mindlessly eat. If someone is serving something you love, have a small handful/a sliver and/or limit it to one portion. Sometimes, a bite of something is just enough!

2) When you see a table of delicious crap set before you, take a deep breath and decide that you will try some things and not all. Choose some of your favorites and leave the rest.

3) Scan food tables for healthy choices first. Meats and cheeses or fruits and veggies are obviously healthier than sweets. Make sure you have a balanced plate.

4) Don’t drink your calories. You can choose low calorie/low carb drinks sometimes and still feel festive. Oh, and don’t down the soda pop. You can get it anytime!

5) Never show up to dinner or a party famished. Instead, eat a small, healthy meal a few hours before your feast so that you aren’t a ravenous animal when you arrive.

6) Do not stand near food tables constantly. Sit and enjoy your meal. You are in charge, and you do not have to go overboard!

7) The day after a big meal, make a conscious decision to undereat a little or a lot to allow your body to catch up. Feasts can overload you, so plan, plan, plan!

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope all of my readers (Amber Academy and otherwise) have a wonderful, safe and happy holiday. See you next week!