Last week, I began talking a little bit about the stumbling blocks that can stand in your way while you work so hard to transition to the sissies that you really are. I mentioned religion as a reason why many encounter pushback and sometimes slink back into doubt or question their direction. But religion isn’t the only thing that can hold you back. Family or friends can be a negative force, as well.

Being a sissy might mean standing alone….

You never want to disappoint people you love. Even when people let you down, there’s always a love for them that you cannot deny. What your loved ones think of you can drive you positively or negatively. We thrive when we’re nurtured and shrink when we’re ashamed. Sadly, some people use this to their advantage and manipulation is real. It’s also unfair, and speaks more to the control someone wants to have versus their lack of unconditional acceptance for you. Don’t let anyone change your life just so THEY feel better or more comfortable. We all have our own path to walk, and those that truly love you will accept you. They may not love your choices and it may not be the lifestyle for them, but it doesn’t have to be. If you are living your truth, those that love you for real will adjust.

This is something more to think about as you ponder this week. In my next installment of Amber Academy, I will be discussing one last major roadblock that can keep you from being free.