Being free to admit that you’re a sissy is quite an accomplishment. In a world of masculinity, the struggle is real. Even though there is more tolerance toward alternate lifestyles today, the actual acceptance varies by geographic location, religion and culture. You might be able to live how you want in California or New York, but you might need to keep things under wraps in Utah or Texas. I know someone in Idaho that’s not exactly having an easy time of it, either.
Now, I’m not suggesting you shout anything from the rooftops if you want to stay private. But intolerance or ‘old ways’ should never stop you from being who you are.
Perhaps you are reading this and can’t help but think, ‘Amber, I know who I am and I’m happy with it’. I am so pleased if that’s where you are with your journey. Sadly, there are so many that still wrestle with roadblocks and doubts.

Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing some obstacles that can keep us from living like we want to.

The first stumbling block for a sissy is religion…

It’s good to have something to believe in. Whether it’s a higher power or just believing in yourself, belief can soothe and stabilize. So many times, it’s a seed of guilt and fear that sprouts and roots within a person and keeps them from being who they are. Early teachings from adults that shaped your thinking can keep you unbalanced, and worried about your choices. No matter how you were raised, we all need to write our own story. It may or may not include the ideals and restrictions that we grew up with, and that’s ok. At the end of the day, no one knows more than anyone else when it comes to belief. You may question whether the biggest zealot is trying to convince others, or himself. Be you, and shake off any ideology that being YOU is wrong. Until you’re able to do this, you will lose precious time that you cannot get back.

Next week I will expand a little more on reasons that one may feel stifled in the alternative lifestyle.