The last few weeks, I have discussed the stumbling blocks that can keep a sissy from feeling comfortable in their transition. Religion and the people we love can definitely pose obstacles. But what about another roadblock that can hit just as hard? I am talking about culture and traditions.

Being a sissy might mean you stand against your upbringing

Culture and traditions can be a slippery slope. Depending on your situation, your lifestyle may be flatly rejected. ‘Going against the grain’ within a cultural group is almost always discouraged and can lead to issues with those that follow ‘the standard’. You may find yourself at a crossroads and faced with the choice of following or breaking off into a new path. Tearing yourself from where you’ve always belonged can be devastating and make you feel lost. Yes, you may end up isolating yourself and going it alone. This may be more than you can handle. There is usually always deep soul searching to weigh each side and determine what you can live with. If you know that you cannot be authentic in a group that refuses to tolerate your choices, you may need to take that painful step away. Can you hide who you are to be what your culture expects? This decision can take years to make. If you choose a new reality,  you can build from there. Seek like minded individuals that will able to relate. You can build a new family, a core of supporters that you support, as well. It doesn’t happen overnight, and you will stumble in your resolve. But you are never alone in anything, even when it feels that way. The painful parts of what we face only sharpen us and ready us for the next challenge.

Talking more about the sissy lifetyle….

Now that I have talked about the things that stand in our way, I will be spending a little time on the actual sissy lifestyle in the weeks that follow. Thank you for your continued interest in my series.
I cannot pretend to know what you are going through. But I hope that I gave you something to think about over the last few weeks.

Whatever your choice, draw power from within. No matter how weak you may feel, you’re stronger than you think.