Now that we have discussed stumbling blocks that could stand in the way of your sissy lifestyle and I have shared a little about my friend Josh/Jennifer, I am glad that you now know more about me and where I stand on all things sissy.

Are my sweet sissies listening?

It is my sincere hope that you have read since the beginning of this series, as one main point stands above all others:

You are perfect just the way you are. No matter what you’ve been told and no matter how you’ve been teased or tested, you were created to live with purpose, on purpose. I know that many of you wrestle with religion, guilt, family expectations and what has been imposed upon you. You may lie to your family, hide from your friends, cry yourself to sleep, be angry at God, continually purge your closet or hate your own body. You want to know a secret? We all struggle, even the most secure among us. We all question ourselves, wrestle with deep-rooted hurt, wonder if we’re normal and pray that we’re ‘enough’. Never be sorry for who you are. If you find yourself in a group of haters, change groups. If everyone has an issue with you, walk alone and grow strong in your storm. You won’t walk for long; there are others just like you. But let others love you. Let them in. Please.

Yes, I want to talk about all the fun stuff. We’ll start that next week.

But just for now, think about what I’ve said, and smile in the beauty that you are cultivating within.