Nothing is worse than applying a lovely feminine face, and then walking outside en femme only to have all your hard work become a victim of the elements. In the summer, your product slides off. But in the winter, the wind can be so cold that your skin dries out in patches. Your eyes may water so badly that any mascara you hope to wear becomes one, smeary joke. And don’t get me started on cold, chapped lips and how they can ruin your perfectly painted pout. We’re talking about winterproofing your make-up this week and next, and getting a jump on the weather that doesn’t care how cute you are.


Before Make-Up…..

This week, I will be focusing on skin. You have a great defense to protect skin from the elements when you are bundling your sissy self to go outdoors, and I wrote about this. But beneath the bundle, you want foundation and powder to smooth on effortlessly, so first things first!

Exfoliate and Cleanse— Remember that cold wind I was telling you about? Make sure you slough off any dry skin once a week. Be very gentle, and be careful of your delicate eye area. When washing winter skin, choose a facial cleanser that’s creamy and not clear. No bar soap…..I don’t care what brand you buy or how ‘multi-purpose’ you’ve convinced yourself it is. If you care about your skin, buy the right soap for the right places!

Moisturize— Pay attention to your skin and it’s needs. Winter dries skin out, but not necessarily evenly! It might be only your cheeks and forehead that need a little moisture help, so don’t moisturize your nose and chin if you tend to be oily there. Make sure you get a rich, good quality moisturizer that’s not too heavy, but does the job. If the weather has really been doing a number on you and leaving your skin reddish, try a greenish tinted moisturizer to offset the irritated look. Don’t worry, your skin won’t be green.

Don’t neglect the rest of you— Right after shower, indulge in a rich, creamy body lotion for a soft and smooth body. Carry a small travel lotion in your purse for hands and elbows. There’s no excuse for rough, dry skin. Your feminization Mistress says so!

And It Goes Without Saying, But I’ll Say It Anyway…..

Always try to stay as healthy as possible. Getting a cold is going to make your nose and the skin above your top lip raw and red….not to mention that you’ll feel like crud and you need your energy to power through the month! (Speaking of energy, here’s a little reminder of more winter tips for your mood if you’re feeling down!)
Drink tons of water and get lots of sleep. And tune in next week when I cover the rest about winterproofing your make-up!