I’ve had a few of you recently confide in me that you gone through a purge of your beloved belongings and are now reeling with feelings of still being pulled in the same direction that you were wrestling with. You expected to feel different once you swept those things out of your life, you were hoping to gain some peace and maybe have a chance to start being what ‘you’re expected to be.’
And yet, here you are. You still crave that inner ‘you’ that you tried (in vain) to quit. You’re still talking to me, you’re still drawn to what you always were. Nothing changed, except that now you are without your beautiful things, your frills and lace, your silky satins, your soft and lovelies.


Purge one thing, and one thing only….

If you are struggling, please don’t throw your feminine items away. Believe me when I say that it doesn’t change a thing. The only thing you need to purge is your guilt and the notion that there is something ‘wrong’ with you. Stop fighting, my friend. A trip to the dumpster will never bring a victory. No more shame, no more beating yourself up. Allow yourself to love yourself.

And before you say that ‘it’s easier said than done’, consider for a moment that I do not have to live your life to understand purging in this context. Every single one of us find ourselves at a crossroads in this life, sometimes more than once. I know about heart-pounding choices and decisions to accept myself for who I am even if no one else understands. Pretending to be something you’re not will never bring peace, no matter what the situation.
We need to be who we are. You need to own your feminine self.

Are you struggling? Hear me in this:

Whatever they told you that you could not do, whatever they said you could not be, no matter how they pounded their morals or beliefs into you or shoved you full of their own laws and rules, be. Just be. Live. Stretch. Surrender. Grow. You are yours to give away. Drink deep. You’re free.