Have you ever seen someone make the perfect entrance? There’s just something about them. The air changes, the mood changes. You can’t deny it, and you are instantly attracted to it. Some people just have it: charisma. But ‘charisma’ is the just delivery. Confidence is the wind-up, and it doesn’t just ‘happen’. Confidence when out en femme is something you can cultivate, even if you don’t have it naturally. Preparation is key, and lookin’ hot comes from preparation. Have a big night or date coming? Ready to hit the town? I got you!

feminine talk

Sexy lips when out en femme

Beauty prep for sexy, en femme fun starts here!

1) Get a soft body. Invest in a good loofah or a gentle body scrub with exfoliants to keep your skin fresh and smooth.

2) Follow up with moisture. Get in the habit of slathering your damp, after-shower skin with a rich body cream to lock in all that softness. Finish with your favorite fragrance. A sexy sissy scent can set the mood! (We’ll be delving deeper into scent during an upcoming Amber Academy, just fyi.)

3) Make your eyebrows work for you. They should always be groomed with a natural arch. If you’re not a tweezing fan (or don’t know what the hell you’re doing), leave it to the experts and get your eyebrows done at a salon. (Expect to be a little swollen for a day or so, so plan ahead and keep up your eyebrows.)

4) Body shape-up! Wear a sexy push-up bra and slimming undergarments. A good shaper can flatten your tummy instantly. Then wear some gorgeous lingerie that makes you feel amazing! Frilly sissy or slutty sissy? Your choice!


5) Lips, nails and teeth are the first things people see! Lips should be gently exfoliated about once a week with a soft toothbrush, and then stay soft and kissable with a moisture-locking balm. Nails? Either invest in a salon mani, or do it at home following my awesome DIY mani tips. Your teeth can be whitened at home with strips, but be careful not to stain teeth during maintenance. Drink through a straw whenever you can, be careful of staining foods like blueberries and brush often with a whitening paste.

Inner beauty

Stand in front of a mirror and accept what you see. Look at every bit of your face and smile. Years, lessons, joy, trial, every wrinkle, every crease….whatever you see, it’s all yours. Outer beauty is what they see, but inner beauty is what they remember. So love yourself. Own the glow that makes you strut! Talk to yourself in the mirror for a moment, maybe have an inspirational message or mantra on a post-it note.

The transformation inside you is what renews that smile. So grab a sexy handbag, keep your wits about you, and get ready for a hot night out!